- JCW faculty implore to formant the brand of the University with renewed endeavors
- Prof. Dr. Bashir Ahmad nominated for the presidential award of pride of performance
- Dr. Bushra Khan clinches yet another award on the eve of International Women's Day
- Chinese Ambassador H.E. Yao Jing visit to University of Peshawar
The chief guest , advisor to Chief Minister on Information and Public Relations, Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif is holding a souvenir shield at the conclusion of the third National Criminology Conference.
The honourable Chief Minister & Chancellor KyberPakhtunkhwa Universities Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur at the inaugural plaque of Allied Health Sciences
The worthy Vice Chancellor is presenting a shield to provincial minister for sports and youth affairs Syed Fakhar Jehan at the eve of Annual Sports Day at UMS.
The worthy Vice Chancellor is having a group photo with team members and faculty at the successful inauguration of the Allied Health Sciences program.
The honourable Chief Minister & Chancellor KyberPakhtunkhwa Universities Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur is arriving at the inaugural ceremony of Allied Health Sciences
The honourable Chief Minister & Chancellor KyberPakhtunkhwa Universities Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur is speaking at the launching ceremony of Allied Health Sciences
The worthy Vice Chancellor is holding a 'MOU' copy along Crossroads Advisory Chief executive to establish the Humanitarian Observatory at the Department of Political Science.
The worthy Vice Chancellor is sharing a copy of a 'MoU' with the Fortified Services for Reforms Transformation (FRTS) Director for underground water assessment at District Peshawar through the Department of Environment Science.
The worthy Vice Chancellor is presiding over the Advanced Studies & Research Board on 16th January, 2025.
The worthy Vice Chancellor and chief executive officer CGPA, is holding an agreement to promote and extend cooperation for recently established think-tank Development Insights Lab.
Ms. Heidi Hermann, Project Director SSARC from German Technical Cooperation, GIZ is receiving a Shield at the eve of Painting and Calligraphy exhibition sketching Afghan Refugees lives under the auspices of Afghan Commissionerate.
His Excellency Mr. Sultan Ahmad Ali is holding a "MoU" copy on behalf of Muslim Institute along with worthy vice chancellor to promote cross -culture heritage in oriental languages for young generation.
University of Peshawar is inking a memorandum of understanding with the Urdu Science board to promote national language literature and linguistics.
HEC - Director Sports and Co-curricular Activities Mr. Javed Ali Memon is receiving a shield from the worthy vice chancellor just before the commencement of PCB-HEC inter-varsity Cricket Championship.
The chief guest , advisor to Chief Minister on Information and Public Relations, Barrister Muhammad Ali Saif is holding a souvenir shield at the conclusion of the third National Criminology Conference.
The honourable Chief Minister & Chancellor KyberPakhtunkhwa Universities Sardar Ali Amin Khan Gandapur at the inaugural plaque of Allied Health Sciences
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Mr. Muhammad Irfan PhD scholar defends his dissertation successfully today at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS) University of Peshawar. His research is supervised by Dr Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi and the panel of Examiners consisted Prof Jamil Ahmad Chitrali and Dr Abdul Shakoor from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. The research explores the shades of Religion in the post 9/11 violence in Merged Districts and its connectivity with global political dynamics.
Ms.Noor ul Uza defended her PhD dissertation at the Department of Botany under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ghulam Dastagir. She worked in the field of Pharmacognosy.
Ms. Sameen Shah a PhD Scholar has successfully defended her dissertation titled "THE ROLE AND EFFECTIVENESS OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN PEACEBUILDING PROCESS POST 9/11: A CASE STUDY OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA,PAKISTAN" under the supervision of Prof Jamil Ahmad (Chitrali) at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), University of Peshawar.
Mr. Salahud Din Sailan Afridi has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation titled as " Symbolism in Modern Pashto Ghazal", under the supervision of Dr. Noor Muhammad Danish Bettani of Pashto Academy, University of Peshawar.
Mr. Muhammad Behroz Khan, a PhD Scholar has defended his dissertation titled as "Impact of Cognitive Distortion on Suicidal Ideation: Mediating role of Illicit Drugs Use and Childhood Maltreatment among Students" under the supervision of Prof. Dr Erum Irshad, Chairperson Department of Psychology at the Department of Psychology.
Ms. Shahla Saeed ,a PhD Scholar has defended her dissertation titled as "Psycho-social Antecedents of Attitude toward War and Peace: Role of Social Dominance Orientation Perspective" under the supervision of Dr. Summiya Ahmad, an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Peshawar.
Ms. Gul nazmina a PhD. scholar at the Institute of Zoological Sciences has successfully defended her dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad khisroon.
Mr. Zahoor Khan Khalil, a scholar from the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Peshawar, successfully defended his dissertation titled as "In vitro Conservation of Podophyllum hexandrum, an Endangered Medicinal Plant." Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bushra Khan.
Dr Durre Nayyab Gul has successfully defended her dissertation titled as "Effect of work family conflict on job performance and organizational commitment with the moderation of psychological capital at higher level in khyber Pakhtunkhwa" under the supervision Prof Dr. Sajjad Ahmad Khan, Dean of Faculty of Management and Information Sciences.
Ms. Afifa Anjum khattak has successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled as "Role of Good governance practices in health care projects performance: evidence from public sector hospitals in Peshawar" under the supervision Dr. Zia Obaid, Associate Professor at the Institute of Management Studies, University of Peshawar.
Mr. Muhammad Nisar, PhD Scholar in Sociology, has successfully defended his thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Anwar Alam. The Examiners were Dr. Shabir Choudry (Associate Professor of Sociology and Director Lodhran Campus, as External Examiner) and Dr. Johar Ali (Meritorious Professor of Sociology and Dean Faculty of Social Sciences UoP as Internal Examiner).
Mr. Mansoor Ahmad, PhD Scholar in Sociology, has successfully defended his thesis entitled "Causes and Consequences of Recidivism: A Study of Selected Jails in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Niaz Muhammad (Ex-Chairman). The Examiners were Dr. Asad Ullah (Rural Sociology AUP, as External Examiner) and Prof. Dr. Anwar Alam (Chairman, Internal Examiner).