Provost Office


  1. Each hostel shall have a team of Monitors, appointed by the provost on the recommendation of the Wardens. Each Monitor will be incharge of a wing in the hostel, who shall assist the Hostel Management in the maintenance of discipline and ensuring cleanliness in their wings. These should be senior students who are impartial and possess good personality.
  2. Residents shall abide by the Hostel Regulations. Violation of any regulation or order issued by the Hostel Authority shall render a resident liable to disciplinary action including expulsion from the hostel.
  3. The Warden shall deal with and process all cases of indiscipline or breach of regulations and orders relating to the hostel affairs.
  4. The Warden may impose a fine amounting to Rs. 1000/- subject to the approval of the Provost, and the Deputy Provost/Asstt. Provost may impose a fine upto Rs. 1000/-. Expulsion from the hostel will require the approval of the Disciplinary Committee.
  5. Hostel fines shall be recorded in the Provost Office and realized through the Hostel Offices. The amount of fines shall be credited to the Hostel establishment account to be maintained by the Provost Office.
  6. Residents shall keep their rooms neat and clean. The senior Wardens will inspect the rooms periodically. Weekly inspection of the residents' rooms will be carried out by the Assistant Warden, fortnightly by the Warden, and surprise check up by the Provost. On the basis of these inspections certificates shall be awarded every year to students whose rooms remain most clean and tidy throughout the year.
  7. Residents shall not be allowed to keep weapons, arms, ammunition, and
  8. intoxicants. Similarly guests/visitors with any type of arms shall not be allowed to visit a hostel.
  9. Possession of TV, VCRNCD, Air Conditioner, Air Cooler, Refrigerator, Decks, Valuable, cash money in the hostel is a breach of regulation and liable to strict disciplinary action fine/cancellation of Hostel Card.
  10. The student shall not use electric heaters or related appliances in their room. In case of breach of regulations, he/she will be liable to heavy fine.
  11. Residents shall park their vehicles including motorcycles and bicycles at specified location on their own risk and responsibility.
  12. Students leaving the hostel temporarily shall inform the Warden in writing, intimating the number of days they are likely to be away. Boy students proceeding on short duration must be back by 9:00 p.m.
  13. Study hours will start with the closing of the hostel gates. During study hours every student is required to study in perfect silence and avoid making disturbances.
  14. No outsider is allowed to stay in the University Hostels as guest without proper permission from the Warden. A next of Kin/Guardian can only stay for one night on payment of Rs.200/-,
  15. specifically permitted by the Warden in special circumstances.
  16. No resident shall be allowed to place any notice, placard, poster or other material in writing anywhere in the hostel.
  17. No society or club can be formed in the hostel without the permission of the Hostel Authorities. No resident shall be allowed to take part or indulge in any sort of political activities, meetings, invitation to political figures, and other related functions in the hostel premises.
  18. Residents damaging / destroying, or removing any Hostel property shall be required to make good for the loss and shall also be liable to disciplinary action.
  19. The hostel employees appointed by the University are responsible to the Warden.
  20. Any complaint against them shall be made to the Hostel Management or to a Monitor of that wing. A resident student shall not deal directly in such cases with the staff.
  21. The employees are under no obligation to attend to or work for the residents other than that assigned to them by the Warden for the service and comfort of the students.
  22. The warden or any other University Authority is not responsible for the loss of any cash and other valuable of residents in the hostel unless these are handed over to them for safe custody.
  23. Keys of the rooms allotted to the residents, shall remain in the custody of those residents and shall not be handed over to anyone without the permission of the Warden.
  24. All cases of indiscipline in the Hostels will be dealt by the Disciplinary Committee of University of Peshawar.
  25. The hostel management is authorized to lock any room in case of any violation of rules and regulations without any notice. The administration will bear no responsibilities in case of any loss or damage while dumping luggage in the store.