Green Social Work, Climate Justice, and the Role of Youth in Mitigation and Adaptation

Students from the Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar, recently completed a 4-day exclusive fieldwork visit from July 10 to July 14, 2024. This initiative was organized by the Department of Social Work in collaboration with the Directorate of Directorate of Youth Affairs khyber Pukhtunkhwa, and was held at the youth hostel in Chapra, Naran, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Held under the theme “Green Social Work, Climate Justice, and the Role of Youth in Mitigation and Adaptation,” the fieldwork aimed to provide students with hands-on experience and practical skills by engaging directly with communities and organizations. Green Social Work is an emerging concept focused on addressing the negative impacts of environmental changes on marginalized groups.
The fieldwork was organized around several thematic areas:
Group 1: Investigated the impact of tourism on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of local communities.
Group 2: Examined the situation of senior citizens in the Naran Valley in relation to climate change.
Group 3: Focused on climate change and its effects on child protection issues.
Group 4: Explored the relationship between tourism and the penetration of substance use (drug use) among youth.
Group 5: Assessed the impact of climate change on people with disabilities.
Students conducted comprehensive surveys across various villages in the Naran Valley. Their community profiling covered aspects such as the number of houses, gender distribution, and the availability of mosques and shops. They also analyzed the types of houses and family structures, investigated the local economy by examining job opportunities and businesses, identified major issues affecting the communities, assessed the impact of climate change on marginalized groups, and compiled historical profiles, seasonal calendars, and social maps.
This enriching experience aimed to enhance students' skills and allowed them to utilize professional methods and tools to assess vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.
Dr. Imran A. Sajid commented, "This is one of the best practices for social workers, providing them with hands-on practical experience. Green social work is our response to climate injustices and climate related policies."
Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Chairman Social Work Department, added, "Climate change is one of the most critical issues in the world, and social workers globally are working to mitigate climate change and help the vulnerable communities affected by it."
A special thanks to the dedicated faculty, especially Dr. Shakeel Ahmed and Dr. Imran Ahmed Sajid, whose efforts made this program possible.