Director Speaks at CII National Conference

Director Speaks at  CII National Conference
Prof. Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam Director Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar presented a paper  at National Conference organized by the Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan. The theme of the Conference was "Interfaith Harmony and Teachings of the Holy Prophet".  The Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology Dr. Qibla Ayaz presided over. In his speech on the topic of "Interfaith Harmony and Post-CPEC Scenario" Dr. Fakhar argued that Islam fully protects the rights of minorities. He said all sects of Muslims need to show respects to others' denominations, only in this way peace can be ensured in Pakistan. He dwelt in detail about CPEC and said that it would usher an era of prosperity in Pakistan. He said that the Post-CPEC Pakistan would be a stable country. Interfaith and intrafaith harmony would be all the more important for Post-CPEC Pakistan. Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology Dr. Qibla Ayaz delivered his presidential address. He gave a background of the conditions before the birth of the Holy Prophet. He analyzed the positive changes after the Holy Prophet. Qari Roohullah, Qari tayyib Qureshi, Dr. Rashad and Dr. Abdur rahman also spoke on the occasion.