UoP's Area Study Centre to be Centre piece of networking and Intellectual debate on CPEC: Chinese ambassador

Peshawar: Speakers in a two day international conference entitled as “CPEC, BRI and trans regional integration”  at Area  Study Centre, University of Peshawar, with a spectacular presence of Central Asian ambassadors with Iranian and Russian federation envoys vow   to collaborate intellectually for garnering impact of Chinese global projects  through-out the region.

The Two days conference involving inaugural session, envoy sessions, and four research paper presentations sessions was sponsored by Chinese embassy Islamabad,CPEC centre of Excellence Islambad and assisted by Centre for global and Strategic studies, Islamabad.

Speaking during the welcome address, Director Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar Prof.Dr.Shabbir Ahmad Khan called upon key stakeholders to participate fully in this millennium project of ‘open regional integration’ of regional countries without any restrictions and imposed set of goals. He stressed that countries in todays’ world prosper due to openness , mutual learning and  experience. He pledged that his centre will serve as a pivotal point to garner scholastic and intellectual input for projects of 21st century.

Speaking on this occasion, Chinese ambassador Yao Jing stressed that China want connectivity of the region through mutual agreed projects and non- confrontational strategies. The ambassador welcomed the opening of 24/7 Torkham border , as ease of business to increase in the coming days. He pointed out that China is looking to complete Peshawar Karachi motorway section sooner while Peshawar Kabul motorway section is the next shot. He said that embassy is mulling to develop cold storage, customs and hospital  facilities at the Torkham.

President Centre of Global strategic studies Gen.retd. Syed Khalid Jafferi  stressed that regional integration will take a longer time if the afghan security situation does not develop stable and secure for connectivity routes. However, he cautioned that routes coming from Xinjiang can bypass it in the longer run.

Director CPEC centre of excellence, Islamabad  Liaqat Ali Shah stressed that industrial and trade development is on the offing after major energy and infrastructure are under completion in the CPEC project. He promoted the idea that CPEC and BRI will boost economies of the region as regional business will have major loin share in the trade that is currently abysmally at 3 % in the region, and could follow EU intra –regional trade of 61% .

Director General China Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Pakistan Mudassir Tipu emphases that Peshawar  being sister city of Urumqi has an important role to play in BRI and connectivity of Peshawar between western China and Central Asian States.He quoted Chinese president Xi Jinping from BOAO forum that BRI will“promote inter civilization exchanges to build bridges of friendship for our people,drive human development and safeguard peace of the world”.
The Vice Chancellor University of Peshawar Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif Khan call upon participants that time has arrive has materialize connectivity with China and central asia as these regions are only 40kms away aerially from Himalayas and history to repeat it-self for mutual  prosperity and exchange. He Stressed that Area Study centre has to produce a new generation of scholars and students to raise to the expectations of the BRI, CPEC and trans regional integration and expectations.

Hassan Dawood Chairman BOI, KhyberPakhtukhawa that these projects will usher a new era of standards of living for three billion people from China, India, Central asia, middle east and Northern africas. He strived that after government to government contacts its time to garner business to business contacts.