Uzbekistan is looking for Special brother status from Pakistan to promote regional development: Uzbek ambassador

Peshawar: Uzbekistan ambassador to Pakistan his Excellency Furkat A.Sadikov has called upon academics and policy makers to enhance deep-rooted mutual cultural, historical and economic relationships between two countries to promote regional integration and development. He was speaking at an interactive session at Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar. The second moot in three week, arranged by Centre of Global and Strategic Studies, Islamabad on behalf of centre to promote regional stability and cooperation.

A number of academics from university, civil society, think-tank, media community, scholars, besides members of centre of Global Strategic studies were present on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, the ambassador showed key interest in the promotion of educational pursuits of students-cum-scholars of both countries as its cost effective and distance friendly for both countries. The ambassador assured participants that new relationship is on the horizon as through Pakistan Uzbekistan business council 31 joint ventures were signed in the year 2018 as compare to 47 joint ventures in the last 20 years. He was delighted to share that sharing experience in cotton industry with Pakistan is mutually beneficial as Uzbekistan is currently top second exporter and Pakistan has a niche in it.  He maintained that 700 km railway link, if established in the pipeline between Uzbekistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan will revolutionize the ‘One Road One belt’ initiative to new heights.  

The Uzbek ambassador said that six Pakistani Urdu dramas being televised in Uzbekistan have a favorable and Pakistan cultural assimilation success. He hoped that ten Pakistan journalists have toured their country shall be reciprocated by Pakistan through accepting Uzbek Journalists in Pakistan. He expected that journalist organizations will apply for accreditations to work in Uzbekistan.

A unique made-in Pakistan documentary entitled as “I am Uzbekistan” was played has now become a flagship documentary for Uzbekistan embassies worldwide. The documentary showing Uzbekistan as progressive, developed ,mineral rich country and culturally rich country was applauded well by the audience.

Head of Centre of Global Strategic  Studies Col.rtd.Khalid Taimur Ahmad urges the academics and centre to use his platform to garner regional dialogue and conferences.

Earlier, speaking as a host, Director Prof.Dr.Shabbir Ahmad  in his introductory presentation called upon the Uzbekistan embassy to take advantage of Area Study Centre expertise in promoting security and academic cooperation between the two countries.He urged Uzbek delegation to renew two MoUs with Centre of Political Studies, Tashkent and Institute of Oriental studies expired in 2006 while to further extend and cement two training programs for Institute of Finance,Tashkent and Ministry of Construction currently underway by Area Study Centre.