Students have to bring team spirit, marketing and funding skills at the fore

Peshawar: National Incubation Centre Peshawar will give mentoring and coaching to young entrepreneurs of the city and will hook them with national investors and national companies to unleash their creative talent at the local, national and global level .These views were expressed by the lead trainer of NIC, Peshawar Bilal Farooq at the orientation session arranged by ORIC, at the Computer Science department of University of Peshawar on Wednesday.

The key speaker said that young people must form cross disciplinary relationships to solve societal problems through generating ideas as startups and new business ventures .The west has soared startups with billions and trillion revenue based businesses due to young people ideas turned in to success, he explained.

He said that 97 percent of startups in Pakistan failed due to lack of team spirit, marketing techniques and lack of funding but at the same time the failure rate can be brought down to 70 percent, if proper coaching and mentoring is done at the incubation centers. 

He called upon the Peshawaries to shun idea generation of Food, travel and foot-ware alone and think big in term of idea generation to global and branded level. He mentioned that a unique idea of Dr. Gul Muhammad at UET Peshawar innovative application has brought 10 percent reduction in electricity theft. Further, he mentioned   that Shahi Sawari an application in Lahore by UET Lahore students brought smiles to rickshaws drivers in competition with Uber and Careem.

He called upon government to enhance number of incubation centres  in the country to ten times to unleash the young people talent  to overcome unemployment, resource mobilization and sustaining economy.

Earlier speaking at the seminar, the ORIC Deputy Director Zahoor Ahmed said that HEC is mulling over to bring SSBC i.e. Students startups Business centers with a grant of 120 million rupees for each university that demonstrates capability to run incubation centers. He expected that students will transform their prototypes to products as ORIC will give them opportunities to explore their talent.

Giving the introductory speech, the chairman Dr. Shah Khusro said that his department is a premier place to offer eight specializations in BS program from this academic session. He said that the department has every state of art facilities to work on the international standards.


Media Officer,
University of Peshawar