UoP showcases its niche at Expo 2018 focusing its Intermediate and BS 4-year Programs

Peshawar: University of Peshawar has participated in News Education Expo 2018 on 3rd July to highlight its student centric approach propel by its new administration under worthy vice chancellor, University of Peshawar Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asif khan  and  its intermediate programs with a renewed focus on BS 4-years integrated system .The expo is made to represent its premier colleges of the countries including Jinnah College for Women and Home Economics College and to highlight the achievements of its near decade old University College for Boys.

The caretaker chief minister Justice (retd.) Dost Muhammad Khan inaugurated the expo and called upon universities to upgrade their ranking by introducing new disciplines meshed with new demands of the society and communities. He underscored that countries are not aggrandized by their sizes but by the size of scholars they have in every walk of life.

While visiting the UoP, stall the chief minister glanced at the murals, books and brochures materials and called “UoP as a success story”. He called upon the representatives to share his message with the university faculty to shoulder the responsibility to uplift the falling standards of education in the country as a mother institution in the province. Later, the chief minister graced a UoP souvenir   from a representative   of University. At the end of stall visit, a senior representative from Pak Study centre Zahid Sethi gifted Prof. Fakhr Ul Islam book “Constitutional Development in Pakistan” to the caretaker chief minister. The accompanying cabinet also showed keen interests at the stall.

The University representative later met with the visitors queries ranging from introduction of new BS programs like English and Journalism to distance education programs and the breakup of the quota seats in academic programs. The young generation visitors mostly ask about the new programs in basic sciences and electronics that can give them an outside chance to gain scholarships while rests ask about the social science programs and its efficacy in job market.

The senior and professional visitors ask about the age relaxation and the opportunities for M-phil research and Distance education programs.  



Ali Imran
Media Officer
University of Peshawar