Seminar on “Composite Heritage: A Way Towards Peace”

Seminar on “Composite Heritage: A Way Towards Peace”


Peace Foundation and Pakistan Study Centre held a joint seminar at Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar. The theme of the day-long seminar was “Composite Heritage: A Way towards Peace”. The Chairman Peace Foundation Maqsud Ahmad Salafi stressed the need for using our heritage towards resorting peace. He mentioned in particular the Pakhtuns institution “Hujra”. In his presentation,  Director Pakistan Study Centre, Prof. Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam said that the stepping stone towards durable peace is mutual tolerance and coexistence. He urged upon the young generation to live and let other people live. The other presenters were Robina Khan Advocate, Tamheedullah, Muhammad Bilal and Samina Advocate. The participants included students, faculty members, civil society workers and media persons. The participants offered their comments and suggestions. They also asked questions from the panel. Director Pakistan Study Centre, Prof. Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam concluded the seminar and expressed his gratitude to all the participants.