International Peace Day

Director Speaks at International   Day of Peace Seminar

Prof. Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam, Director Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar addressed the International   Day of Peace seminar at Shelton’s Green Hotel Peshawar on 21 SEP 2016. The seminar was organized by Pakistan Council of World Religions. The function was attended by Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs. The Iranian Counsel General, Bishop of Peshawar, academicians, elected representatives, ulama and members of civil society attended the function. Prof Dr. Qibla Ayaz, former Vice Chancellor University of Peshawar presided over the seminar. Prof. Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam said that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. He said that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUOH) provided opportunity of worship to Christians in the Masjid-e-Nabavi which shows his tolerance towards other religions. He said that peace can only be guaranteed if we tolerate each other. He said the golden principle of “Live and let live” is the only key to peace and tranquility. He said that Pakistan is passing through a very crucial phase of its history. We need peace more than any other country.