Situations Vacant

Under Higher Education Commission Islamabad project No. 20-2396/NRPU/R&D/HEC/163, titled: “Change and Transformation in Socio-physical Environment of the Northern Mountainous Belt of Pakistan and its Impact on Natural Resources” three positions of Research assistants (three MPhil students @ Rs.20,000/- per month and one PhD student @ Rs.25,000/- per month) are vacant at the Department of Geography, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. These positions are contractual in nature and fixed remunerations as mentioned above. The contract will be renewed after every year on the basis of performance till the end of the research project. Applications are invited on plain paper for the appointment against the position according to the given criteria.


S. No

Nomenclature of Post

Qualification (Criteria)


Research Assistant (03) M.Phil. positions

BS/MSc Geography with no 3rd Division in the Academic Career from HEC Recognized, University/Institution

Candidates already enrolled in M.Phil. (preference will be given to those working under the supervision of PI)


Research Assistant (01) PhD positions

M.Phil. in Geography With no 3rd Division in the Academic Career from HEC Recognized, University/Institution

Candidates already enrolled in Ph.D. (preference will be given to those working under the supervision of PI)

Terms and conditions of the Contract:

  1. The contractual appointment shall be valid for ONE YEAR period, renewable on yearly performance basis.
  2. All academic credentials of the selected candidate shall be open to scrutiny/verification.
  3. Application will be submitted to the office of the. Department of Geography, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  4. Application along with attested copies of all degrees, diplomas, merit certificates, DMCs and research publications (if any) should reach the undersigned on or before September 27,2016
  5. Incomplete application shall not be entertained
  6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending test/interview
  7. Interview will be held on 28/09/2016 in the office of the undersigned around 2:00 pm
  8. All candidates must appear before the Selection Committee in person
  9. Selected candidate will be informed on the same day due to urgent need of the Project.
  10. The scholarships for the selected candidates will be awarded from fall semester 2016-17.


Dr. Fazlur-Rahman
Associate Professor
Principal Investigator