Pakistan is the Fifth Deadliest Country for Road Accidents

The prevalence of road accidents is the fifth deadliest in the world, wherein thirty two thousand people die every year. Not only are this but 90% of the casualties are’ young men and women. This was revealed in one day seminar on Road Safety at the Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Hall of the University of Peshawar.  

The one day seminar was arranged by National Highway and Motoway police and UoP. Vice Chancellor UoP Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rasul Jan was the chief guest of the ceremony. Vice Chancellor UET Imtiaz Huusain Gillani and Deputy I. G Motorway Zubair Hashmi were among the guest of honors.

Addressing the ceremony the speakers said that globally road accidents kills around 1.2 million people each year whereas 50 million face permanent disability because of the same. Terming the motor vehicle laws of Pakistan as worn out the participants said that the , `` Motor Vehicle Rules 1969`` are in place  and no  effort has been made for new legislation as per new requirements.

Motorway police is a disciplined force, which has managed highways very well. Seeing their performance, I have no doubt that road safety laws can be implemented in the whole  country if persisted the way they do it``. He urged the students to become ambassador the message spread around in the seminar on road safety, so as to educate more people on the issue.

VC, UET Imtiaz Gillani underlined the need for a standardized license system in the whole country. He said that the same was important to bring out skilled drivers on the roads, only.

Deputy Inspector General Zubair Hashmi said that Pakistan was suffering a gruesome sum of Rs. 5 billion dollars on account of road accidents.