Five Day Workshop on Active Citizenship Concludes at the University of Peshawar

Five day workshop on implementation of citizenship education and community engagement concluded at the University of Peshawar on Friday. The workshop jointly organized by British Council and UoP was aimed at engaging the faculty and teachers at formulating community development programmes for benefit of masses at large.

A total of 32 participants attended the moot from nine different departments of the University of Peshawar.

Vice Chancellor UoP Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rasul Jan was the chief guest of the closing ceremony. He was accompanied by representative of British Council Ms. Sabohi Ali and Malik Nasim.

The chief guest distributed certificates among the participants. Addressing the gathering on the occasion the Vice Chancellor said that contemporary role of varsities was to groom students into active global citizens. He added that University of Peshawar encourages social sector to organize more events like the one arranged for the capacity building of the students.


He said that youth involvement in community development programmes would help a great deal in addressing issue of the general public.