Re-Tender Notice (First Time) of Composing, Designing and Printing of Various Items
1. Sealed bids on prescribed Tender Forms are invited from well reputed printers registered with Federal Board of Revenue for Income Tax and Sales Tax purposes for Composing, Designing & Printing of the following items:
Tender No. |
Description |
Qty |
Tender fee |
Tender Submission date |
Tender Opening date |
15R1/2014-15 |
Annual Report – Session 2013-14 |
200 |
Rs.500/- |
24.02.2015 upto 10:30 am |
24.02.2015 at 11:00 am |
22R1/2014-15 |
Journal of Science and Technology |
240 |
Rs.500/- |
2. The bidding documents including Contract Conditions and Item Specification can be obtained from Store Purchase Section, University of Peshawar, free of cost, during office hours (8:00 AM to 4:00PM) on any working day (Monday-Friday).
3. The bidders shall clearly and boldly mark the Tender number, its description and date/time of opening at the face of sealed bid/envelope.
4. The Sealed bids, complete in all respects, must reached the office of Treasurer, University of Peshawar as per schedule above.
5. The bid shall invariably be accompanied with separate CDRs of prescribed Tender Fee (No-Refundable) and earnest Money @ 2% of bid cost (Refundable), both drawn in the name of The Treasurer, University of Peshawar.
6. Bids submitted without prescribed Tender fee or Earnest Money shall be liable for rejection at the time of Tender opening. Tender fee and Earnest money shall be submitted separately alongwith each Tender.
7. The bidders shall present sample unit/piece at the time of bid opening.
8. Tenders will be opened in the Committee Room No.1, Main Administration Block, University of Peshawar in the presence of the bidders.
9. The University of Peshawar reserves the right to reject any or all bids in accordance with rules in vogue.
(Dr. Yorid Ahsan Zia)
University of Peshawar