First Meeting of UoP Researchers Forum held
The recently established researchers forum of the University of Peshawar held its first meeting under the auspices of the Office of the Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), wherein around fifty scientists/ faculty members of the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences participated.
The meeting chaired by Vice Chancellor UoP Prof. Muhammad Rasul Jan decided to conduct IDEAS competition among the faculty and students in order to promote the research culture on campus. They also decided to take war footing measures for the development and expansion of research within the institution.
They decided to take steps towards bridging gap between the academia and industry with special reference in development of patents and community based projects.
The modern role of the Universities is to ensure accessibility, quality and more importantly relevance of higher education to the demands of the market, said Vice Chancellor UoP Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rasul Jan. He added that varsity would take every step to ensure conduction of research that is beneficial for the general public.
The research relevant to the national need was need of time so as to build knowledge based economy, maintained the Vice Chancellor.
Earlier Director ORIC Prof. Dr. Nisar gave brief about the objectives of the Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization. He said that UoP ORIC was one of three established among varsities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and was aimed at providing fuel to education towards national development.
Mr. Akhtar Amin,
Media Protocol Officer,
University of Peshawar