Centralized Resource Laboratory

Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) with EDX


Model:                               JSM5910
Manufacturer:                   JEOL, Japan
Energy:                             30KV
Magnification (Max):          300,000X
Resolving power (Max):     2.3nm


1. SEI Detector
             The secondary electrons imaging detector

2. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer (EDX)
             INCA200/ Oxford instruments, U.K.
             (Analysis range is Boron to Uranium)

Analysis Requirements:

The powder samples should be dried and moisture/oil free and the minimum amount should be 5mg. In case of solid materials (ceramics/geological materials) the samples should be prepared by the users (cutting/polishing/etching etc.). The maximum sample size, in case of bulk materials, should not exceed 1 cm2 and 0.5 cm in thickness.