Webinar on "Israel Diplomatic Outreach to the Gulf Countries: Changing Political Calculus of the Muslim World"

  • 10:30 am
  • Google Meet (Online)
Webinar on


Arab-Israel conflict has always engaged the Muslim World. Majority of the Muslim countries do not recognize Israel as a country due to its occupation of the land in Palestine, location to the sacred sites. Persian Gulf countries persistently have kept Israel away of any presence in the region. In August 2020, UAE executed a bold diplomacy to extend recognition to Israel.  The move is quite unusual as it could not happen without the approval of the KSA and the trilateral deal of USA, UAE and Israel has initiated a very serious debate in the Muslim World. Experts suggest that KSA may lose its respect as the leader of the Muslim World and the gap may be filled by countries like Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia.

Objectives of the Webinar:

The Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar is interested to conduct a day long webinar on September 15, 2020 at 10.30 PST, to discuss the various dimensions of evolving situations in the Muslim World in the wake of UAE-Israel deal. Its objectives are categorized as;

  • To discuss the history of Arab-Israel conflict through its various stages,
  • To deliberate the factors that led Arab-Gulf countries to soften their attitude towards Israel and
  • To assess the impacts of the Arab-Israel peace process for the Muslim World, in the wake of the UAE-Israel deal.

Structure of the Webinar:

The webinar is a daylong activity, comprised of three sessions. Each scholar would have 15 minutes;

First Session: 12.00 AM – 14.00 PST

The Sub-Theme for the Session is History and the Dynamics of Arab-Israel Conflict. Four Scholars shall talk about it.


Second Session: 14.00 PM – 16. 00 PST

Sub-Theme is The Evolving Attitude of the Gulf Countries towards Israel. Four Scholars shall deliver their talks.


Third/ Last Session: 16.00 PM – 18.00 PST

Sub-Theme for the session is The Impacts of the Prevailing Arab-Israel Peace Process on the Muslim World. The session shall be attended by four scholars as speakers.

Prospective Outcomes of the Webinar:

The Webinar is a pure academic activity to be focused around the following outcomes;

  • It shall help the students to get intellectual appraisal about the evolving Middle Eastern and Muslim World politics, as it is taught to them in the Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar,
  • It shall point new areas for research and exploration for the researchers, writers and analysts, and
  • The findings may help policy makers to respond to the Muslim-sensitive issue with a wise and rationale gaze.


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