Seminar on "Post Doctorate and Senior Research Fellowship Opportunities in Germany"

  • 10:30 am
  • NCE in Physical Chemistry, UoP

Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) foundation, Germany offers Post Doctorate and Senior Research Fellowship opportunity in all disciplines. Major funding is from German government. Its a wonderful opportunity to carry out research in Germany. 

Accordingly, ORIC, University of Peshawar in collaboration with NCE in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar organized a seminar on "Post Doctorate and Senior Research Fellowship Opportunities in Germany" at University of Peshawar on March 9, 2020. Fellowship is available "for all subjects" including natural sciences, social sciences and Humanities, "without age restriction".  PhD students and faculty members who are interested in post-doctoral experience in Germany and have "completed PhD less than 12 years ago" or about to finish their PhD, can benefit from this seminar. 


Date:                                      March 9, 2020
Opening ceremony:             10.30am
Speaker:                               Prof. Dr. Samina Mehnaz, Ambassador of Alexander Foundation Germany


NOTE: Seats are limited; please provide the following information on the prescribed format on email address by March 7, 2020.

S.No, Name & Designation, Department, University, Email Address, Contact No.


Venue will be communicated to the confirmed participants on March 8, 2020.




Zahoor Ahmad (Mr.) | Manager,
Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC),  
Old Press Building, Jamrud Road, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan | 
Tel. No: +92-91-9222095 | Cell. No: +92-333-7182887
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