Grand Reunion of the University of Peshawar Alumni Association (UOPAA)

  • 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
  • Lawn of Sheikh Taimoor New Academic Block, UoP
Grand Reunion of the University of Peshawar Alumni Association (UOPAA)

The University of Peshawar Alumni Association (UOPAA) is going to have a Grand Reunion of all the Departments of the University on 24th December, 2016 from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm in the lawn of Sheikh Taimoor New Academic Block, University of Peshawar. It is going to be a lavish lunch with customized souvenirs for each registered alum. All the ex-graduates, including faculty members and staff, are invited to register themselves before 17th December, 2016. Kindly visit for downloading the Registration form for the Grand Reunion. Submit the registration fee for the Grand Reunion in the bank account given on the form or submit it with the focal person appointed by your Department. Fill the form and submit it along with the bank receipt to the Office of UOPAA adjacent to Central Library or with your focal person. Registration fee is 1,500/- only. A non-alum faculty member can also participate in the event by depositing 1,000/- in the alumni account.

UOPAA warmly welcomes all the ex-graduates to register themselves and take part in this splendid event.

You can call 091-9221177 for further details.



Sara Ali

Assistant Director
Employer Relations and Alumni Services
University of Peshawar