• Assistant Professor

Dr. Irfan U. Jan

M.Sc in


Research Interest: 

The Carboniferous-Permian succession of the Salt and Khisor ranges of Pakistan is relatively little-studied and the palaeogeography and palaeoclimatology of this southern palaeo-Tethys area is poorly constrained. Dr. Jan is involved in combining/integrating palynological (fossil plant spore and pollen) and sedimentological analysis to place the successions in their regional stratigraphic context and understand vegetation changes and the evolution of depositional environments in this area during the Carboniferous-Permian icehouse period.


  • Carboniferous-Permian palynology and palynostratigraphy of the Gondwana (Middle East, Australia, South America and Pakistan).
  • Palaeclimatology, sedimentology and palaeoenvironments.

Additional Research Interests

Additionally Dr. Jan enjoys work related to the topics.

  • Environment/Climate change/Sustainable development and planning.
  • Disaster management, awareness and mitigation.

Topics: Palynology, palynostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments

Telephone: +92-91-9216427