Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre

Academic Programs:


About the Course:

Bachelor of Computer Science 4 Year Program (Evening Shift)

The BCS 4 years degree Programme was successfully launched with approval of the Vice-Chancellor/Chairman, Board of Governors in 2005.

Admissions in this program are advertised each year in the months of August and September.

Duration of Programme: 4 Years
Syllabus/Course Outline: [Download]

BS in Islamic Studies with Information & Com

About the Course:

BSIS with ICT  4 year


Sheikh  Zayed  Islamic  Centre  was  established  by  His Highness  Sheikh  Zayed  Bin  Sultan Al-Nahayan, President of United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi at Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar. The Centre was set up with the objective of streamlining instructions and research in Islamic and Arabic Studies while at the same time making these studies compatible with new developments in the fields of modern science and technology. This integration of Computer Science to Islamic and Arabic Studies is imperative to face new realities and future challenges and will make the modern research sources accessible for the students of Islamic and Arabic studies.

 In this regard the Islamic centre offers a full time B.S 4 Years Program in Islamic  Studies with Information and Communication Technologies for the New academic year of 2017 and a detailed scheme of study has been proposed by the (CRC) Curriculum Review Committee of the Islamic Centre which includes the following members:

1.     Prof. Dr. Miraj-ul-Islam Zia, Dean Faculty of Islamic & Oriental Studies, University of Peshawar

2.     Prof. Dr. Rashad Ahmad Saljoq, Director Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar

3.     Dr. Zahir Shah, Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Peshawar

4.     Dr. Mursal Farman, Associate Professor, Department of Searah, University of Peshawar

5.     Dr. Zia ul Haq, Lecturer, Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar

6.     Mr. Muhammad Shabir, Lecturer, Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar

The Curriculum Review committee met for several times and the detailed outlines objectives & learning outcomes, course contents, teaching methodologies and methods of assessment of learning of the said course were finalized and all proposals suggested by the renowned academicians in the preliminary meetings were incorporated in the present draft in the following format:

i.       Description of course: It includes offering semester, nature of course, number of credit hours and number of teaching weeks and objectives of each course.

ii.      Description of course outlines: It includes 15 main topics and 3 sub topics under each main topic to be taught in 18 weeks. Two weeks were kept for examinations and one week was reserved for orientation.

iii.     List of Prescribed books: It will include at least 3 books which have to be used as text/course books.

iv.     List of Recommended books: It will also include 5 books for detailed study and reference.

The Committee also recommended to register students stemming out of five HEC recognized Madaris Boards (Tanzeemat al-Wifaq) with Khassah certificate for BS Islamic Studies, 4 -year programme and such students should be taught English and Pak- Study of Intermediate level as compulsory subjects as non-credit courses.

The Committee agreed to recommend the following Six courses of 18 Credit Hours (each of 3 credit hours) as compulsory and major components for MS in Islamic Studies:.

i)     Qur’an and 'Ulum al Qur’an

ii)    Hadith and Ulum al Hadith

iii)   Fiqh and 'Ulum al Fiqh

iv)   Sirat al Nabi and Fiqh al Sirah

v)    Arabic Language and Literature

vi)   Research Methodology

In his last meeting held on 11-08-2017 the committee has forwarded the final draft of the Curriculum to the Director of Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre for further process and approval from the Academic Council of University of Peshawar.

Duration of Programme: 4Years
Syllabus/Course Outline: [Download]

Mphil & PhD

About the Course:


Duration of Programme: 3 Years
Syllabus/Course Outline: [Download]

Islamic Banking & Takaful

About the Course:


First, that interest is forbidden by all religions, particularly by Islam. Therefore, in 1979, Pakistan announced its intention to eliminate interest from its monetary and banking sectors. This decision was completely in consonance with Shariah of Islam and also the wish of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In 1948, while inaugurating the Central office of the State Bank of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said: “I shall watch with keenness the work of your research organization in evolving banking practices compatible with Islamic Ideals of social and economic life … The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contented people.” Secondly, Islamic Banking is growing at 25% in Pakistan, while internationally it is growing at 15 %. However, there are no skilled and informed human resource as there is no single institution, especially in K.P.K to teach and train people in Islamic Banking and Islamic Economics. This sector offers many good opportunities but the relevant people are lacking in this field of knowledge. Looking at the current scenario, Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar has designed an elaborate and a comprehensive programme of one year Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Islamic Banking and Takaful in order to fill this gap. The Centre has successfully launched this programme and thirty (30) students have been enrolled.

Course Duration

This diploma course consists of seven taught modules, two semesters covering central topics in Banking, Finance and Islamic way of life. The diploma should be completed within 9 months (full time study). However if a student want to discontinue after the completion of 1st semester he/she can do so and will be awarded a Certificate in Islamic Banking and Finance.

Career Destinations

Graduates of the Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance would go on to pursue careers in a range of areas including commercial banking, central banking, financial management, financial companies, takaful companies in Pakistan, International Banking [non-Muslim Countries, like United Kingdom (UK) United States of America (USA), Canada, Singapore, and many others are rapidly adopting interest-free banking system]. Also they can pursue M.Sc. M.Phil/Ph.D programme in Islamic Banking and Islamic Economics as well.


Assessment modes range from innovative system to traditional essays and written examinations. Such method is that which will most effectively test the knowledge and skills taught. Because of different people are more successful at some modes of assessment than others, we seek to achieve a balanced assessment programme. At the end every student will be required to join Internship with any Islamic bank or financial institution for a period of six weeks. The performance of the student will be evaluated on the basis of the report mad by the head of the Islamic financial institution.

Entry Requirement

Applicants should normally have good second class bachelor degree or its equivalent, not necessarily in economics. Applicants who do not have a University degree but have a minimum of three years work experience in a senior level position in the field of Banking or Insurance may be accepted on to the course. The decision of the Centre will be final.


A Computer Laboratory
A well-stocked Library, having a ‘Reference Corner’.
An Auditorium.
A well-furnished Conference Room.
A.V Aids and Multi Media System.


Duration of Programme: 1 Year
Syllabus/Course Outline: [Download]