Centre of Biotechnology and Microbiology

Online Contents:

BS in Biotechnology

Subject Name: English-1 (BT-114)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Biology-i (BT-113)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Physical Chemistry (BT-112)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Fundamental of Genetics (BT-111)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Islamic Studies (BT-115)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Computer Application (BT-126)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Cell Biology (BT-122)
Teacher Name: Ms Nida Munir
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Lec no Mineral Calcium, Lec no 3 Chloroplast Remaining: Structure of chlorophyll Light Reaction Dark Reaction, Lec no 4 Chemistry of Cells, Lec no 5 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain, Lec no 6 CHLOROPLAST, Lec no 7 Cytoskeleton, Lec no 8 Endoplasmic Recticulum, Lec no 9 Golgi Complex, Lec no 10 Enzymes, Lec no 11 Lysosome, lec no 12 Microbodies (Peroxisome), Lec no 13v Mitocondria Structure and Funtion, Lec no 14 the Nucleus, Lec no 15 Cilia and flagella, Lec no 16 What are membranes, Lec no 17 Water & Electrolytes Potassium & Chloride, Lec no 18 Ribosomes, Lec no 19 Minerals Sodium, Lec no 20 Vacuole Structure and function, Lec no 21 Vitamins,

Subject Name: Introduction to Biotechnology (BT-121)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: Biology-II (BT-123)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: English-II (BT-124)
Teacher Name: Ms Durkhu Farhad
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Lec no 1 Resume cover template, Lec no 2 paragraph writing, Lec no 3 CV Tips,

Subject Name: Maths-I (BT-125)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: Pakistan studies (BT-116)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: Microbiology (BT-211)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Molecular Biology (BT-212)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Organic Chmeistry (BT-213)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Biochemistry (BT-214)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Maths-II (BT-215)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Scial Psychology (BT-216)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Metabolism-I (BT-221)
Teacher Name: Ms Faridha zai
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 1 Fatty Acid Synthesis, Lec no 2 Beta Oxidation of Fatty acid, Lec no 3 Pentose Phosphate Pathway,

Subject Name: Nucleic Acid (BT-222)
Semester/ Year: 4th

Subject Name: Animal Physiology (BT-223)
Teacher Name: Ms Fardha shahid
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 5 topic check itself, Lec no 1 Cardiovascular physiology, Lec no 2 Digestive Physiology, Lec no 3 The Endocrine System, Lec no 4 Muscle Physiology,

Subject Name: English-III (Bt-225)
Teacher Name: Ms Durkhu Farhad
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 1 Essay writing, Lec no 2 visual equipment,

Subject Name: General-III Basics of Financial Managment (BT-226)
Semester/ Year: 4th

Subject Name: Plant Physiology (BT-224)
Teacher Name: Dr Kafeel Ahmad
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 1 MINERAL NUTRITION, Lec no 2 Photosynthesis is a vital physiological, Lec no 3 PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS, Lec no 4 PLANT-WATER RELATIONS, Lec no 5 Plant Respiration,

Subject Name: Enzymology (BT-311)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Enviromental Biotechnology (BT-312)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Metabolism-II (BT-313)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Bioinofrmatics-I (Bt-314)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Plant Biotechnology (BT-315)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Cellular Signaling (BT-316)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Immunology (BT-321)
Teacher Name: Mr Jawad Khan
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lec no 1 Chapter 3.4.5,

Subject Name: Animal Biotechnology (BT-322)
Teacher Name: Mr Fida Hassan
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lecture No 1 BASIC TECHNIQUES IN ANIMAL CELL CULTURE, Lec no 2 Artificial cloning of domestic animals, Lec no 3 Use of Transgenic Animals in Biotechnology: Prospects and Problems, Lec no 4 CELL CULTURE BASICS, Lec no 5 Monoclonal Antibodies by Somatic Cell Fusion, Lec no 6 Introduction to Animal cell culture, Lec no 7 Ekuraytic Gene expression Basic and Benefits, Lec no 8 In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Transgenic Fish 2. Development of Tra, Lec no 9 Types of zoonotic diseases,

Subject Name: Rocombinant DNA (BT-323)
Semester/ Year: 6th

Subject Name: Medical Biotechnology (BT-324)
Teacher Name: Dr Ibrar Khan
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lec no 1 Apoptosis: Intrinsic and Extrinsic, Lec no 2 Therapeutic Enzymes, Lec no 3 GENE THERAPY A new era of medicine, Lec no 4 Interferons , Lec no 5 Monoclonal Antibodies, Lec no 6 Vaccines,

Subject Name: Techniques in Biotechnology (BT-325)
Semester/ Year: 6th

Subject Name: Bioinformatics-II (BT-326)
Teacher Name: Dr Jamshaid Ahmad
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lec no 1 Proteins are polymers of amino acids, Lec no 2 RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY,

Subject Name: Genomics (BT-411)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Oncology (BT-412)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Techniques in Biotechnology (BT-413)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Proteomics (BT-414)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Bioethics (BT-416)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Research Methodology (BT-417)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Food Biotechnology (BT-421)
Teacher Name: Dr Sahar Nigar
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lecture No 1 FOOD BORNE DISEASES Lectures, Lec no 2 Principle of Preservation, Lec no 3,4 History of Food Preservation Techniques, Lec no 5 Preservation of foods by physical methods – low and high temperature, Lec no 6 Principles of the Food Processing and Preservation, Lec no 6 paRT 2 Food Concentrates | Article about Food Concentrates by The Free Dictionary, Lec NO 7 PART 1 Food Fermentation, Lec no 7 part 2 Food Preservation by Fermentation and Fermented food products, Lec no 7 part 3, Lec no 8 Part 1 Salting and Pickling processes in food preparation and preservation, Lec no 8 part 2 Introduction to food Additives, Lec no 8 Part 3 Food Additive, Lec no 9 Part 1 Introduction to Food Additives, Lec no 9 Part 2 Food Additive,

Subject Name: Pharm Biotechnology (BT-422)
Teacher Name: Prof.Dr Bashir Ahmad
Semester/ Year: 8th


Subject Name: Biochemical Engineering (BT-423)
Teacher Name: Dr Sahar Nigar
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no 1 Reception of tubers diaghram, Lec no 2 Sugarcane diaghram, Lec no 3 Recovery and purification of fermentation products, Lec no 4 Types of Enthalpy Change, Lec no 6 Energy and Energy Balances, Lec no 7 Heat of Reaction, Lec no 8 Teaching Module Material balance Heat TransfeerEnergy balance, Lec no 9 Four laws of Thermodynamics=, Lec no 10 What is a Process Flow Diagram? - An Easy Guide with Tricks, Lec no 11 Lucid chart what is process flow diaghram,

Subject Name: Industrial Biotechnology (BT-424)
Teacher Name: Ms Gul-e-Sehra Mujib
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no 1 Chapter 4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Course contents,

Subject Name: Biostatistics (BT-425)
Semester/ Year: 8th

Subject Name: Current Trends in Molecular Biology (BT-485-1)
Teacher Name: Ms Gul-e-Sehra Mujib
Semester/ Year: 8th

course contents, Lec no 1 definintion of precision medicine, Lec no 2 crispr technology, Lec no 3 Genome editing past present and future, Lec no 4 Genomic research, Lec no 5 illumnia sequening introduction, Lec no 6 microbial protein,

Subject Name: Infection Diseases (BT485-8)
Teacher Name: Dr Hira Muhtaq
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no 3 Bacterial toxins Hira, Lec no 4 Medically important Bacteria and Fungi, Lec no 5 Introduction to medical Mycology, Lec no 6 Examples of Fungal Diseases, Lec no 7 A review of corona Virus, Lec no 8 Introduction to Viral Diseases, Lec no 9 What are the measles?, Lec no 10 Overview of Viral Infections, Lec no 11 Viral Hapetities B,

BS in Microbiology

Subject Name: English -1 (Funtional ) (ENG-311)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Pakistan studies (GENn-313)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Mathematics-! (MATH-311)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Human Physiology/Histology (MBIO-312)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Biodiversity of Plants (MBIO-312)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: Fundamental of Microbiology (MBIO-313)
Semester/ Year: 1st

Subject Name: English-II (Communication Skills) (ENG-321)
Teacher Name: Ms Durkhu Farhad
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Lec no 1 Resume cover template, Lec no 2 paragraph writing, Lec no 3 CV Tips,

Subject Name: Islamiyat (GEN-321)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: Bio Statistics (STAT-321)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: General Genetics (MBIO-321)
Teacher Name: Dr Ibrar Khan
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Lec no 1 Incomplete and Co-dominance, Lec no 2 Mendel Laws, Lec no 3 MULTIPLE ALLELES, Lec no 4 MUTATIONS, Lec no 5 POPULATION GENETICS, Lec no 6 Sex Linked Inheritance,

Subject Name: Chemistry (GEN-322)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: Microbial Taxonomy (MBIO-323)
Semester/ Year: 2nd

Subject Name: Computer Application (COMP-431)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Biochemistry-1 (MBIO-431)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Biodiversity of Animals (MBIO-432)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Cell Biology-1 (MBIO-433)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: General Immunology (MBIO-434)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Human Genetics (MBIO-435)
Semester/ Year: 3rd

Subject Name: Biochemistry-II (MBIO-441)
Teacher Name: Ms Faridha zai
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 1 Pentose Phosphate Pathway, Lec no 2 fatty acid synthsis, Lec no 3 Transamination & Deamination:, Lec no 4 UREA cycle:, Lec no 5 Beta oxidation of fatty acids,

Subject Name: Ecology and Ecosystem (MBIO-442)
Teacher Name: Ms Fardha Shahid
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 1 Biogeochemical Cycles, Lec no 2 Ecological genomics for genes to ecosystem, Lec no 3 A framework for community and ecosystem genetics: from genes to ecosystems, Lec no 4 NITROGEN FIXATION AND ITS IMPROVEMENT THROUGH GENETIC ENG, Lec no 5 BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, Lec no 6 Interactions and Ecosystems, Lec no 7 Interactions Within Ecosystems,

Subject Name: Introduction to Medical Microbiology (MBIO-443)
Semester/ Year: 4th

Subject Name: General Biotechnology (MBIO-444)
Semester/ Year: 4th

Subject Name: Bio safety and Risk Management (MBIO-445)
Teacher Name: MS Sahar Nigar
Semester/ Year: 4th

Lec no 1 BIOSAFETY, BIOSECURITY AND CODE OF ETHICS, Lec no 2 Biosafety, Ethics, and Regulation of Transgenic Animals, Lec no 3 BiOlOGiCal risks: BasiC COnCEPTs anD ClassiFiCaTiOn, Lec no 4 Biological Risk Assessment for Clinical Laboratories, Lec no 5 Radiation and Nuclear Health Hazards,

Subject Name: Cell Biology-II (MBIO-446)
Semester/ Year: 4th

Subject Name: Mycology (MBIO-551)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: General Virology (MBIO-552)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Gene therapy (MBIO-553)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Molecular Biology (MBIO-554)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Bacterial Genetics (MBIO-555)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Techniques in Microbiology (MBIO-556)
Semester/ Year: 5th

Subject Name: Research Methodology (MBIO-561)
Semester/ Year: 6th

Subject Name: Environmental Microbiology (Fresh Water and air Microbiology ) (MBIO-562)
Semester/ Year: 6th

Subject Name: Medical Virology (MBIO-563)
Teacher Name: Dr Irshad ur rehman
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lec no 1 ADENOVIRUSES, Lec no 2 Antigenic Drift and Antigenic Shift In Influenza Virus, Lec no 3 ANTI-VIRAL THERAPY, Lec no 4 HERPESVISUES, Lec no 5 HIV/AIDS, Lec no 6 HOST DEFENSES, Lec no 7 Replication strategies of viruses, Lec no 8 Viral Pathogenesis, Lec no 9 VIRAL VACCINES,

Subject Name: Food Microbiology (MBIO-564)
Teacher Name: Ms Nida Munir
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lec no 1 FOOD BORNE DISEASES, Lec no 2 Food Borne diseases Part 2, Lec no 3 Food Borne Diseases Part 3, Lec no 4 Food Borne Diseases Part 4, Lec no 5 Food Borne Diseases Part 5, Lec no 6 Food contamination, Lec no 8 INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC FACTORS AFFECTING THE TYPE AND NUMBER OF MICROORGANISMS IN FOODS, Lec no 9 Micro-organisms as a source of Food/other benefits:, Lec no 10 Food sanitation, Lec no 11 Single cell protein, Lec no 12 Canning, Lec no 13 DIVERSITY AND CONTROL OF SPOILAGE FUNGI IN DAIRY PRODUCTS, Lec no 14 Contamination Spoilage and Preservation of fish, Lec no 15 Microbial spoilage of Meat,

Subject Name: Genetics Engineering (MBIO-565)
Teacher Name: Dr Irshad ur rehman
Semester/ Year: 6th

Lec no 1, Lec no 2 PCR, Lec no 3 Primer Designing, Lec no 4 DNA SEQUENCING, Lec no 5 Site-directed mutagenesis, Lec no 6 Introduction of phage DNA into bacterial cells, Lec no 7 Transformation,

Subject Name: Intership/Report (MBIO-566)
Semester/ Year: 6th

Subject Name: Soil Microbiology (MBIO-671)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Environmental Biotechnology (MBIO-672)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Epidermology,Public Health and Bioethics (MBIO-673)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Bioinformatics and Protein Stucture/Function (MBIO-674)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Diagnostic Chemistry for Microbial Diseases (MBIO-675)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Seminar (MBIO-676)
Semester/ Year: 7th

Subject Name: Research Project /Two Optional Papers Probiotics (MBIO-681)
Teacher Name: Dr Abid Ali
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no 1 Probiotics final course,

Subject Name: Clinical Bacteriology (MBIO-682)
Teacher Name: Dr Hira Mushtaq
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no 4 FOOD BORNE BACTERIAL DISEASES, Lec no 5 Water borne diseases, Lec no 6 ARTHOPODE BORNE DISEASES, Lec no 7 NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION COMMON IN PAKISTAN, Lec no 8 Zoonotic bacterial diseases, Lec no 9 DIAGNOSIS OF INFECTIONS, Lec no 10 Processing of samples,

Subject Name: Molecular Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Therapeutic Agent (MBIO-683)
Teacher Name: Dr Kafeel Ahmad
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no 1 Macrolides, Lec no 2 Antifungal Drugs, Lec no 3 Antiprotozoal and anthelminthic agents, Lec no 4 Antiviral agents, Lec no 5 Genetics of antibiotic resistance, Lec no 6 Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance,

Subject Name: DNA Damage, Repair and Carcinogensis (MBIO-684)
Teacher Name: Mr Fida Hassan
Semester/ Year: 8th

Lec no MolecularMechanismsofUltravioletRadiation-InducedDNA DamageandRepair, Lec no 2 DNA Damage, Repair and DNA Damage, Repair and Clinical significance, Lec no 3 Inactivation of various bacteriophages by different ultraviolet technologies: Development, Lec no 4 Endogenous DNA damage in humans: a review of quantitative data1, Lec no 5 DNA: Damage and Repair Mechanisms in Humans, Lec no 6 DNA Damage Response and Oxidative Stress in Systemic Autoimmunity, Lec no 7 An OverviewofMutation Detection MethodsinGenetic Disorders, Lec no 8 Introduction to cancer biology, Lec no 9 Inducible SOS Response System of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli,

Subject Name: Industrial Microbiology (MBIO-685)
Semester/ Year: 8th

M.Phil. in Biotechnology/Microbiology

Ph.D. in Biotechnology/Microbiology

M.Phil leading Ph.D