Community Service Program

Currently, Community service program covers 192 colleges, departments and Institutes which offer graduate program such as B.A, BSc, B.Com, BBA, BS which normally known as 1st degree program. Out of these, 31 departments are located within University which are directly maintained and administered by University of Peshawar while affiliated colleges or institutes are those which are affiliated with University of Peshawar but not maintained or administer by University of Peshawar. Detail breakdown is given below:

  1. Affiliated collages with University of Peshawar  …………………...…………….…...161
    1. Public Affiliated Colleges:…………………………...............…056
    2. Private affiliated colleges………………………………............105
  2. Departments, Colleges, Institutes of University of Peshawar………………………..031

Total Institutions……………………………………………………………......…………… 192

Duration and nature of activities as per the Community Service Reguation-2015

  1. For two year programs:
    • The duration of the community service program will be 3 weeks (15 working days). 6 hours per day.
  2. For four/ five year program:
    • The duration of the community service program will be 6 weeks (30 working days). 3 hours per day

In such a case, the period of work is to be calculated on an hourly basis, namely 90 working hours in all.

When to carry out?

Community Services should normally be performed during Summer Vacation, provided that the work may be performed at other seasons of the year if advisable, subject to the consent of the University Officer Incharge of Community Services.

For BA and BSc annual system, such activities can be planned and executed at the end or the mid of the session as per the below given time period.

However, after introduction of the semester system, such activities can be started immediately after summer break in September, however, such community work can be planned and executed in any of the following period.

  1. October to December
  2. January to March
  3. April to June
  4. July to September

Now, this is the responsibility of the concerned HoD to choose and decide time period and communicate to the office of the Community Service Program.