
Affiliated Colleges

Affiliated colleges under the jurisdiction of University of Peshawar offer a range of undergraduate programs, ensuring quality education and adherence to approved academic standards. The admissions for these colleges are regulated by the Directorate of Admissions, University of Peshawar, through a streamlined online process. University of Peshawar has streamlined these undergraduate admissions processes by successfully integrating KuickPay online payment options to conveniently and securely pay admission application processing fees online, with the added benefit of instant transaction confirmation. Candidates applying for Undergraduate BS admissions can now pay via any digital banking app (for example, easy paisa, Jazz cash, upaisa, HBL, UBL, ABL, Faysal Bank etc.). Once the payment transaction is successful, Application Form status will automatically be changed to "Paid" status.

How to Pay (KuickPay Online Payment)

1. Login to your Mobile Banking App

2. In "Payment" or "Bill Payment" Category, OR search for "KuickPay"

3. Enter your Challan Number given in your account Starting with "08290___"

4. Detail of concerned student will appear along with Amount of Rs…….

5. Once payment transaction is successful, Student Application Form Status will be updated from "UnPaid" to "Paid"

Video Tutorials

KuickPay Challan fee online payment video tutorials via banking apps are as follows:
2. Via Meezan Bank Mobile App : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57jmHPk5uoE
6. From any Other Banking App: https://app.kuickpay.com/PaymentsBillPayment